Monocular Depth Estimation (MDE) is a fundamental problem in computer vision with numerous applications. Recently, LIDAR-supervised methods have achieved remarkable per-pixel depth accuracy in outdoor scenes. However, significant errors are typically found in the proximity of depth discontinuities, i.e., depth edges, which often hinder the performance of depth-dependent applications that are sensitive to such inaccuracies, e.g., novel view synthesis and augmented reality. Since direct supervision for the location of depth edges is typically unavailable in sparse LIDAR-based scenes, encouraging the MDE model to produce correct depth edges is not straightforward. In this work we propose to learn to detect the location of depth edges from densely-supervised synthetic data, and use it to generate supervision for the depth edges in the MDE training. %Despite the 'domain gap' between synthetic and real data, we show that depth edges that are estimated directly are significantly more accurate than the ones that emerge indirectly from the MDE training. To quantitatively evaluate our approach, and due to the lack of depth edges ground truth in LIDAR-based scenes, we manually annotated subsets of the KITTI and the DDAD datasets with depth edges ground truth. We demonstrate significant gains in the accuracy of the depth edges with comparable per-pixel depth accuracy on several challenging datasets.
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来自单个运动模糊图像的视频重建是一个具有挑战性的问题,可以增强现有的相机的能力。最近,几种作品使用传统的成像和深度学习解决了这项任务。然而,由于方向模糊和噪声灵敏度,这种纯粹 - 数字方法本质上是有限的。一些作品提出使用非传统图像传感器解决这些限制,然而,这种传感器非常罕见和昂贵。为了使这些限制具有更简单的方法,我们提出了一种用于视频重建的混合光学 - 数字方法,其仅需要对现有光学系统的简单修改。在图像采集期间,在镜头孔径中使用学习的动态相位编码以对运动轨迹进行编码,该运动轨迹用作视频重建过程的先前信息。使用图像到视频卷积神经网络,所提出的计算相机以各种编码运动模糊图像的各种帧速率产生锐帧帧突发。与现有方法相比,我们使用模拟和现实世界的相机原型表现了优势和改进的性能。
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A core process in human cognition is analogical mapping: the ability to identify a similar relational structure between different situations. We introduce a novel task, Visual Analogies of Situation Recognition, adapting the classical word-analogy task into the visual domain. Given a triplet of images, the task is to select an image candidate B' that completes the analogy (A to A' is like B to what?). Unlike previous work on visual analogy that focused on simple image transformations, we tackle complex analogies requiring understanding of scenes. We leverage situation recognition annotations and the CLIP model to generate a large set of 500k candidate analogies. Crowdsourced annotations for a sample of the data indicate that humans agree with the dataset label ~80% of the time (chance level 25%). Furthermore, we use human annotations to create a gold-standard dataset of 3,820 validated analogies. Our experiments demonstrate that state-of-the-art models do well when distractors are chosen randomly (~86%), but struggle with carefully chosen distractors (~53%, compared to 90% human accuracy). We hope our dataset will encourage the development of new analogy-making models. Website:
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We introduce MuJoCo MPC (MJPC), an open-source, interactive application and software framework for real-time predictive control, based on MuJoCo physics. MJPC allows the user to easily author and solve complex robotics tasks, and currently supports three shooting-based planners: derivative-based iLQG and Gradient Descent, and a simple derivative-free method we call Predictive Sampling. Predictive Sampling was designed as an elementary baseline, mostly for its pedagogical value, but turned out to be surprisingly competitive with the more established algorithms. This work does not present algorithmic advances, and instead, prioritises performant algorithms, simple code, and accessibility of model-based methods via intuitive and interactive software. MJPC is available at:, a video summary can be viewed at:
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Robotic planning in real-world scenarios typically requires joint optimization of logic and continuous variables. A core challenge to combine the strengths of logic planners and continuous solvers is the design of an efficient interface that informs the logical search about continuous infeasibilities. In this paper we present a novel iterative algorithm that connects logic planning with nonlinear optimization through a bidirectional interface, achieved by the detection of minimal subsets of nonlinear constraints that are infeasible. The algorithm continuously builds a database of graphs that represent (in)feasible subsets of continuous variables and constraints, and encodes this knowledge in the logical description. As a foundation for this algorithm, we introduce Planning with Nonlinear Transition Constraints (PNTC), a novel planning formulation that clarifies the exact assumptions our algorithm requires and can be applied to model Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) efficiently. Our experimental results show that our framework significantly outperforms alternative optimization-based approaches for TAMP.
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评估患者结直肠癌的微卫星稳定性状态对于个性化治疗方案至关重要。最近,提出了卷积 - 神经网络(CNN)与转移学习方法结合使用,以规避传统的实验室测试,以确定苏木精和曙红染色的活检全幻灯片图像(WSI)的微卫星状态。但是,WSI的高分辨率实际上阻止了整个WSI的直接分类。当前方法通过先对WSI提取的小斑块进行分类,然后汇总补丁级分类徽标来推断患者级状态,从而绕过WSI高分辨率。这种方法限制了捕获位于高分辨率WSI数据的重要信息的能力。我们引入了一种有效的方法,通过对贴片嵌入的动量学习以及在这些嵌入组的组上培训患者级分类器,以利用WSI高分辨率信息。与直接的补丁级分类和患者水平聚合方法相比,我们的方法的准确性高达7.4 \%(AUC,$ 0.91 \ pm 0.01 $ vs. $ 0.85 \ $ 0.85 \ pm 0.04 $,p Value $ <0.01 $ )。我们的代码可以在上找到。
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虽然视觉和语言模型在视觉问题回答等任务上表现良好,但在基本的人类常识性推理技能方面,它们会挣扎。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Winogavil:在线游戏,以收集视觉和语言协会(例如,狼人到满月),用作评估最先进模型的动态基准。受欢迎的纸牌游戏代号的启发,Spymaster提供了与几个视觉候选者相关的文本提示,另一个玩家必须识别它们。人类玩家因创建对竞争对手AI模型而具有挑战性的联想而获得了回报,但仍然可以由其他人类玩家解决。我们使用游戏来收集3.5k实例,发现它们对人类的直观(> 90%的Jaccard索引),但对最先进的AI模型充满挑战,其中最佳模型(Vilt)的得分为52% ,成功的位置在视觉上是显着的。我们的分析以及我们从玩家那里收集的反馈表明,收集的关联需要多种推理技能,包括一般知识,常识,抽象等。我们发布数据集,代码和交互式游戏,旨在允许未来的数据收集,可用于开发具有更好关联能力的模型。
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